On The Move

Melissa Quintanilha, Co-Founder, Head of Design at Dupla Studios

Lissa Franklin, Karolina Chachulska (WAT) Season 1 Episode 3

How do you design a perfect mobility experience for the future?

Listen to Karolina Chachulska and Lissa Franklin talk to Melissa Quintanilha

Melissa Quintanilha is a user experience designer with 20 years of experience designing digital products for various industries including automotive, productivity, server & datacenter management, manufacturing, and more. She has experience conceptualizing, designing, and managing complex digital systems. She’s passionate about humanizing technology and making complex systems approachable and easy to use. Melissa has worked at Microsoft as a user experience designer envisioning next-gen automotive experiences. She founded her own UX/UI studio designing digital products and services where she has continued specializing in automotive and mobility, on-demand mobility scenarios, and design experiences for infotainment, teleoperations, and autonomous vehicles - including an autonomous boat. She has a BS in Computer Science and holds an MFA degree from Ohio State intangible design, natural interaction, and responsive environments.

Big thanks to infoedge LLC for hosting this podcast!